First Quarter re-shuffle
There has been a re-prioritising of my big 4 and painting and sketching are now the top 2, followed by sewing and lastly some weaving. I found I was spending way too much time doing[....]
There has been a re-prioritising of my big 4 and painting and sketching are now the top 2, followed by sewing and lastly some weaving. I found I was spending way too much time doing[....]
Having begun my journey on the path of weaving in December, I have been looking around for storage solutions as I went along. In recent weeks, I thought of getting a sewing box, but[....]
I have had the opportunity to purchase various brands of yarns and accessories from my local craft store (Golden Dragon) and up-and-coming studio at MOX Singapore, Craft Atelier.[....]
It has been almost five months since we moved into our new bigger place and sorting our home out has more or less slowed down, however, I am still cracking my brains on new/better[....]
Hi everyone, I've been wanting to share more information on the various types of frame looms out in the market so people who are new to weaving can understand their differences and[....]
20 Feb 2019 We welcomed the birth of our firstborn in May 2017 and I have since forgotten about this blog and what I had set out to do in terms of my art and crafts. Recently, I[....]
Cotton labels arrived! Had to hand sew them onto the Painter's Organiser prototypes and share new pictures with you. This batch of labels didn't arrive the way I wanted (all[....]
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